Get My Song Reviewed

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Get someone to sign up to Get My Song Reviewed, upload a song, and do at least one review. Then have that person contact us with your username and/or email to let us know it was you who brought him/her here and get 24 HOURS OF FREE ADVERTISING!

For every person you get to sign up and do at least one review we will give you 24 hours of free advertising in the form of a 125x125 pixel image that links to a website of your choice. The image will show in the left sidebar over one of the quotes

The image or link cannot be offensive, or link to anything offensive or harmful AT ANY TIME while the advertisement is running. Anything determined offensive or harmful will not be run. We have the final say about what is offensive or harmful, and our decision is final.

Any type of foul play used to get the 24HOURS OF FREE ADVERTISING will result in immediate disqualification of any and all advertisements connected with the author, and the author will no longer be able to participate in the service.

This service is not yet automated and it is very important for the "new sign up" to Contact Us with your username and/or email. We will then contact you to begin setting up the advertisement. We reserve the right to change or even remove this service at any time, for any reason.

By participating you agree to these terms.

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Website created by 32hertz